Open Sky Services

Transitional Residence

Open Sky Co-Operative provides residential support to adults who face barriers due to social, developmental or mental health challenges.

We welcome up to 2 adults in our farmhouse, providing a comfortable atmosphere for community living. Each person has their own bedroom and participates in all aspects of living in our rambling historic farmhouse. We have staff and volunteers who support each resident to achieve their best level of skill in cooking, cleaning, self-care, getting along together and maintaining a balanced life. Everyone takes a turn with household responsibilities and also participates in work teams outside of the home – gardening, farming, groundskeeping, animal care, etc. We ensure a balance of social and recreational activities all week long!

Admission Process for Residential Services

We can accept up to 2 residents at our farm.

Candidates considered:

  • Are adults over the age of 18
  • Live with mild social, developmental, and/or mental health challenges
  • Are interested in and capable of living in community with other adults
  • Would benefit from some structure and support in residential and daily work environment
  • Have indicated an interest in farming, gardening, and/or outdoor projects
  • Have sustainable financial support to cover accommodations, meals and basic program costs (depending on level of support/program required)
  • Are physically able to do outdoor farm work
  • Do not have allergies that would make living in a farm environment difficult (animals, hay, etc.)
  • Do not live with aversions or phobias that would make living in a farm environment difficult (spiders, dirt, etc.)
  • Do not require 24 hour supervision
  • Are not at risk of harming themselves or others
  • Are able to follow simple instruction

A potential resident who applies to or is referred to Open Sky will receive an application form to be completed and returned. If the above conditions are met, the applicant will meet with our admissions committee at least once at the farm. Whilst not a “formal” interview, the meeting is to ensure that the resident will be comfortable at Open Sky and that the admissions committee thinks the resident will fit in well. It may be that there are several visits before a decision is made. If the resident is accepted, the financial arrangement is worked out and an agreement is signed which states the fees and payment schedule. A month’s fees will be required upon acceptance.

Admission Forms

Please contact Open Sky to receive an admissions form. Call +1-506-536-4565 or send us an email.

Please Note

Open Sky is not meant for emergency referrals, nor is it suitable for those with the potential for violence, those with untreated mental illness or those presently abusing substances (drugs and alcohol). Open Sky reserves the right to turn down any application.