Open Sky Services

Functional Skills Assessment

The Open Sky Functional Skills Assessment process is unique. Individuals may have a good sense of their ‘academic’ strengths and challenges following high school, but perhaps not a clear sense of what barriers may exist that are preventing them from getting or keeping a job, being reliable in independent living, or being able to maintain good social relationships.

This assessment process is aimed at identifying the gaps in practical skills that prevent an individual from accomplishing what they wish in life and work. It ‘tests’ various abilities, such as following verbal directions, working with numbers, working with money, carrying out a sequence of activities, selecting answers from a complicated presentation, nuanced social skills – the kinds of skills that may be invisible to others, except when specifically examined.

We then work with a Speech Language Pathologist to compile the functional skills results along with the lifetime of reports (accumulated from schools, psychologists, other professionals) the individual already has. Our compiled report summarizes the strengths and challenges of the individual at this point in time, and provides recommended skills-building interventions for each challenge, so that a relevant, holistic and do-able educational program can be developed.

Many families remark that this report is the first one that truly ‘gets’ their loved one. The final document belongs to the family, and can be used to inform other service providers, or it can be used as the first step in developing a skills program to be carried out at Open Sky.

Contact Us—Please contact Open Sky’s Program Coordinator for more information, if you are interested in this assessment process. Call +1-506-536-4565 or send us an email.