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Partners & Donors

To do what we do, and to dream of doing more is made possible by generosity of time, talent, and finances. There are more than 500 individuals, businesses, organizations, and government agencies that have helped us in some way or other over the years. Your contributions mean so much!

Ways to donate:

  1. Online through Canada Helps
  2. E-transfer to (include name and contact information in message, for charitable receipt)
  3. Cash or cheque delivered to 12 Folkins Dr., Sackville, NB, E4L 1H9
  4. Securities or legacy gifts (contact the Executive Director for details)

If you or your organization would like to explore becoming an ongoing program, enterprise, or funding partner,  please contact the Executive Director. 

We give thanks for our current financial partners!

This list is dynamic, ever-changing, so it never completely represents the tremendous support we receive!

  • United Way
  • Government of Canada
  • NB Government – Social Development; 
  • Community and Social Services, NS
  • Municipality of Tantramar
  • Horizon Health
  • Autism Speaks Canada

And thanks to our many program partners:

Daybreak Activity Centre; local schools; NBCC and Mitacs; Mount Allison University & the Meighen Centre; Sackville Foodbank; Community Food Action/Food Mentors; Sackville United Church; Church by the Lake; Iris Community Counselling and Consulting; The Little Plant Nursery