Other job openings are typically not advertised on this website. Please connect with Open Sky’s social media, e.g. Facebook, where up-to-date information is shared regularly. Jobs will be advertised locally on social media.
Other job openings are typically not advertised on this website. Please connect with Open Sky’s social media, e.g. Facebook, where up-to-date information is shared regularly. Jobs will be advertised locally on social media.
Mentors provide coaching support to Open Sky participants as they learn skills by doing. Mentors are trained in the Open Sky educational model, and also bring a variety of personal skills of benefit to others.
Every summer, Open Sky hires students through the Mount Allison Internship Program, the NB SEED Program and the Canada Summer Jobs Program. If you are interested in applying for a summer position, be in touch with Open Sky in the spring, so you can be informed as summer opportunities arise.
If you are interested in learning and/or working at Open Sky, please visit our Facebook page, for the latest job openings and training opportunities, or contact us to see if we are hiring.