Open Sky Co-operative provides skills programs, vocational assistance and community connections for adults who require support to improve their quality of life. We especially welcome adults who face barriers due to social disabilities such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, and/or mental health challenges. Open Sky is a resource for social, functional and life skills assessments. We are a charitable co-operative social enterprise, made up of many different people and organizations.
Open Sky is located on an 11-acre farm in Middle Sackville, not far from Silver Lake Park and the Trans-Canada Trail. The farm is within walking distance of downtown Sackville, as well as Mount Allison University. Open Sky has a 5-bedroom house, barn, greenhouses and many acres of lawns, gardens and pasture. Additionally, an all season maker space is in planning/construction stages and will be completed by Spring 2023.
At Open Sky, adults can live in residence and participate in programs to improve their own well-being, as well as learn about and assist in sustainable farming and gardening. Day programs are also available for adults who do not live onsite.
Sometimes, participants simply need a supportive place to regain health and ‘get their lives back’. Others may benefit from intentional skills training that fills gaps in life, social and/or employment skills. Open Sky welcomes those who may benefit from assistance in any of these areas.